2020/2021 Resolutions

Resolutions and Actions Tracker

Comprehensive Catalog of Senate Resolutions by Academic Year

Comprehensive Catalog of Statewide Senate Plenary Resolutions by Academic Year




Roll Call Results

Resolution on Voting Rights on Senate Executive Committee for the Humboldt Labor Council Delegate and the Humboldt California Faculty Association President

First Reading: September 1, 2020

Second Reading: September 15, 2020; Passed

Guiding Document Updated: September 16, 2020


Roll Call Results

Resolution on GradIng Policy, Fall 2020

First Reading: September 1, 2020; First Reading waived

Second Reading: September 15, 2020

Second Reading: September 1, 2020; Passed

Approved by the President, September 2, 2020


Roll Call Results

Resolution to Amend the Constitution of the University Senate of Cal Poly Humboldt to Reflect Parallel Revisions to the General Faculty Constitution

First Reading: September 15, 2020

Second Reading: September 29, 2020; Passed

Approved by the Staff Council: November 2, 2020

Approved by the General Faculty: November 4, 2020

Guiding Document Updated November 5, 2020


Roll Call Results

Sense of the Senate Resolution on Humboldt Policing and Safety Shared Governance Body

Reading: October 13, 2020; Passed

No further action required


Roll Call Results

Sense of the Senate Resolution on Opposition to Chancellor’s Proposed Process for Implementation of AB 1460 CSU Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement 

Reading: October 13, 2020; Passed

Forwarded to distribution list October 14, 2020

No further action required


Reference Doc:

Resolution FAQs

Roll Call Results

Resolution on CR/NC Cap and Total for AY 20-21

First Reading: October 13, 2020; First Reading waived

Second Reading: October 13, 2020; Passed

Approved by Acting President Meriwether October 15, 2020


Reference Doc:

CBC Recs for Appendices A-W

Roll Call Results

Resolution to Update the Appendices of the General Faculty Handbook

First Reading: October 13, 2020

Second Reading: October 27, 2020; Passed

Approved by General Faculty: May 7, 2021

General Faculty Handbook Updated May 12, 2021


Roll Call Results

Resolution to Restructure the University Space and Facilities Advisory Committee (USFAC) to a Subcommittee of the University Resources Planning Committee (URPC)

First Reading: October 13, 2020

Second Reading: October 27, 2020; Passed

Guiding Document Updated: November 4, 2020


Roll Call Results

Resolution on Emeritus Faculty

First Reading: October 27, 2020

Second Reading: November 10, 2020; Passed

January 19, 2021: Provost did not approve and referred back to committee with specific requests for further development. See 20-20/21-FAC.


Roll Call Results

Sense of the Senate Resolution on Humboldt Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Task Force and Senate Collaboration

Reading: October 27, 2020; Passed

No further action required


Roll Call Results

Sense of the Senate Resolution on Faculty Evaluation During the Pandemic

Reading: October 27, 2020; Passed

No further Action Required


Revised Appx J Section IV.F.5

Resolution on Amendment to the Faculty Handbook Appendix J, Section IV.F.5: "Faculty Personnel Policies and Procedures for Retention, Tenure and Promotion"

First Reading: October 27, 2020

Second Reading: Item tabled by committee. (See Resolution 23-20/21-FAC below for this item's second iteration.)


Proposed Appx P Addition

Roll Call Results

Resolution on Amendment to the Faculty Handbook Appendix P, “Academic Freedom"

First Reading: November 10, 2020

Second Reading: December 1, 2020; Passed

Approved by Provost Capps December 15, 2020

Guiding Document updated December 16, 2020


Policy Draft

Resolution on Email Policy Update

First Reading: November 10, 2020; referred back to committee

First Reading: March 16, 2021

Second Reading: April 13, 2021; Passed

Provost Capps reviewed and approved at request of President Jackson April 19, 2021


Revised ICC Bylaws

Resolution on ICC Bylaws and Rules of Procedure Revision - GEAR

First Reading: December 1, 2020

Second Reading: February 9, 2021; Passed

Approved by the Provost March 2, 2021


Policy Draft

Resolution on Revisions to Operating Fund Reserve Policy

First Reading: December 1, 2020

Second Reading: December 15, 2020; Passed

Approved by President Jackson December 16, 2020


Roll Call Results

Sense of the Senate Resolution on a Decline to Act Statement on Chancellor’s Office Changes to CSU General Education Breadth Requirements

Reading: January 26, 2021; Passed

Forwarded to distribution list January 27, 2021

No further action required


Roll Call Results

Sense of the Senate Resolution Condemning the Insurrection of January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC

Reading: February 9, 2021; Passed

No further action required


Roll Call Results

Resolution on Commitments for Faculty Safety

First Reading: March 2, 2021

Second Reading: March 16, 2021; Passed

Approved by Provost Capps March 26, 2021


Policy Draft

Roll Call Results

Resolution on Emeritus Policy

First Reading: March 16, 2021

Second Reading: March 30, 2021; Passed

Approved by the Provost April 8, 2021


Roll Call Results

Resolution on Updating the Membership and Terms of the Appointments and Elections Committee

First Reading: March 16, 2021

Second Reading: March 30, 2021; Passed

Approved by General Faculty: May 7, 2021

Forwarded to Staff Council for ratification: April 7, 2021

Forwarded to Associated Students for ratification: April 7, 2021


Roll Call Results

Resolution on Updating Naming Conventions and Typographical Errors in Governing Documents

First Reading: March 16, 2021

Second Reading: March 30, 2021; Passed

Approved by General Faculty: May 7, 2021

Guiding Document Updated May 12, 2021


Roll Call Results

Resolution on the Membership of the RTP Criteria and Standards Committee - Appendix J

First Reading: March 16, 2021

Second Reading: March 30, 2021; item pulled by committee

Second Reading: April 13, 2021; Passed

Approved by General Faculty: May 7, 2021

General Faculty Handbook Updated May 12, 2021


Roll Call Results

Sense of the Senate Resolution on Celebrating Humboldt Ethnic Studies Faculty Leadership and Resourcing in Regard to AB 1460 Implementation

Reading: March 16, 2021; Passed

No further action required


Roll Call Results

Resolution of Update to the Senate Standing Rules Addressing the Introduction of Resolutions by Senate Standing Committees

First Reading: March 30, 2021

Second Reading: April 13, 2021; Passed

Guiding Document Updated Mary 12, 2021


Proposed Appx M

Current Appx M (Sept, 2017)

Roll Call Results

Resolution to Replace Appendix M Personnel Policies and Procedures for Coaches

First Reading: March 30, 2021

Second Reading: April 13, 2021; Passed

Approved by General Faculty: May 7, 2021

General Faculty Handbook Updated May 12, 2021


Policy Draft

Roll Call Results

Resolution on a Time, Place, and Manner Policy

First Reading: April 13, 2021

Second Reading: April 27, 2021

Approved by Provost Capps August 20, 2021


Policy Draft

Roll Call Results

Resolution on a Facilities Management Chargeback Policy

First Reading: April 13, 2021

Second Reading: April 27, 2021

Approved by President Jackson July 30, 2021


Action Plan

Roll Call Results

Sense of the Senate Resolution on 21-26 Anti-Racist Strategic Action Plan

Reading: April 13, 2021; Passed


Proposed Updates: Sections 100-500

Sections 700-800

Roll Call Results

Resolution to Update the General Faculty Handbook

First Reading: April 13, 2021

Second Reading: April 27, 2021

Approved by General Faculty: May 7, 2021

General Faculty Handbook Updated May 12, 2021


Policy Draft

GEAR Certification Draft

Roll Call Results

Resolution on Alignment of Humboldt GEAR Curriculum with Area F Requirement and GEAR Certification Process

First Reading: April 13, 2021

Second Reading: April 27, 2021; Passed

Approved by the Provost: April 30, 2024


Roll Call Results

Sense of the Senate Resolution on the URPC’s Progress Report on “The URPC’s Balanced Budget Proposal for AY 2020-22”

Reading: April 27, 2021; Passed