Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC)

Membership of FAC

ChairJayne McGuireSchool of Applied Health2025
Faculty Senatorvacant
Faculty SenatorClaire TillChemistry2027
FacultyLisa TremainEnglish2026
FacultyMelanie MichalakGeology 2027
Student vacantAssociated Students2025
CFA Humboldt PresidentAnthony SilvaggioSchool of Education Ex-Officio
AVP of Faculty AffairsKimberly WhiteAcademic Personnel ServicesEx-Officio
  • Chair, a faculty senator elected by the Senate
  • Two (2) faculty senators, appointed by AEC
  • Two (2) faculty members, appointed by AEC
  • One (1) Student, appointed by the Associated Students
  • President of the Humboldt Chapter of the California Faculty Association (CFA)
  • Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs (or designee), ex-officio, non-voting