Academic Policies Committee (APC)

Membership of APC

ChairTyler EvansDepartment of Mathematics2025
FacultyJulie AldersonDepartment of Art + Film2027
FacultyFrank CappuccioDepartment of Chemistry2027
FacultyTyler EvansDepartment of Mathematics2025
FacultyMarissa O'NeillDepartment of Social Work2027
StaffHarrelle DeshazierUmoja Center2025
StudentvacantAssociated Students2025
StudentvacantAssociated Students2025
AVP of Academic ProgramsMark Wicklund (designee)Academic ProgramsEx-Officio
RegistrarJennifer Robinson ReisingerOffice of the RegistrarEx-Officio

Membership Information


  • Chair: Faculty Senator
  • Elected Members:
  • Appointed Members:
    • 4 Faculty by AEC
    • 1 Staff Senator by AEC
    • 1 Student by A.S. (2 Students)
  • Ex-Officio Members:
    • Associate Vice President for Academic Programs and Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs (or designee)
    • Registrar (or designee)


  • 1 year for Chair Elected Annually by the Senate, as the Third Officer of the Senate
  • 3 years for Appointed and elected members
  • 1 year for Students


  • Develops and maintains the academic policies of the University. Receives requests and agenda items from the Integrated Curriculum Committee (ICC), the University Senate, APC members and other university community members; works with the ICC to prioritize items; vets changes and proposals through the ICC with recommendations forwarded to the Senate.

Important Information