Senate Agenda 10/28/2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 3:00-5:00 pm, Goodwin Forum (NHE 102)

  1. Announcement of Proxies
  2. Approval of and Adoption of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of October 14, 2014
  4. Reports, Announcements, and Communications of the Chair
  5. Reports of Standing Committees, Statewide Senators, and Ex-officio Members (Written Reports)
  6. Consent Calendar from the Integrated Curriculum Committee (ICC) Instructions for Accessing Nolij
  7. TIME CERTAIN: 3:15-3:30 PM - Open Forum for the Campus Community (Open Forum Procedures).
  8. Resolution in Support of the January 15, 2015, Institute for Student Success  (#07-14/15-Tillinghast)
  9. Resolution on Co-Listing of Graduate and Undergraduate Courses (#08-14/15-APC)
  10. Resolution on Guidelines on Concentrations within Majors (#09-14/15-ICC)
  11. Resolution to Approve BFA Degree (#10-14/15-ICC)