Scholar of the Year

The Scholar of the Year Award is conferred on a yearly basis to a member of the Humboldt faculty for a record of superlative research, creative activities, and/or scholarship. No amount of teaching achievement or service to campus, community, or profession, shall substitute for this essential requirement. In cases where nominees are perceived to be equally superlative in their scholarship and creative activities, contributions to teaching and service may be considered insofar as these activities bear direct relevance to the nominee's primary role as scholar.

Nominees have been employees of the University for at least three of the previous five years and the greater part of the activities for which they are nominated have been performed in connection with the nominee's employment at Humboldt.

The annual call for nominations goes out in the Fall and nominations are reviewed by a Faculty Awards Committee. Recommendations for awards are made to the University Senate and forwarded to the President of the University. Awardees are honored and recognized the University's Honors Dinner in April and at the University Senate reception in May. Each awardee is invited to deliver a public lecture in the following academic year.

Past Recipients:

Scholar of the Year Award Recipients (since 1986)